Wellbeing, OHS, Emergency Management Procedures Coordinator (F-12)

The primary role of the Wellbeing, OHS & Emergency Management Procedures Coordinator is to:

  • Oversee and work collaboratively with the school counsellors in relation to student wellbeing.
  • Assist the Vice Principal, Administration with the follow-up of student attendance and engagement concerns, including the reporting of chronic absenteeism to DET and Child FIRST.
  • Oversee allergy awareness for staff & students (organise PDs, posters, etc.), staff anaphylaxis training, ensure all student allergy and asthma records are up-to-date and kept in key locations.
  • Oversee excursions and camps safety procedures / student health plans / first aid kits.
  • Oversee the safety of the College grounds, conduct regular OH&S checks and staff surveys.
  • Oversee annual staff first aid training and ensure staff first aid credenials are kept up-to-date (including ELC staff).
  • Plan, schedule and oversee all evacuation and fire drills, lock downs, etc.
  • Lead the Emergency Management Team (EMT) and ensure yearly training for all EMT members and for all staff, as relevant.
  • Ensure all staff know the roles and contact details for the Emergency Management Team (EMT) members – conduct all-staff information sessions twice a year.
  • Keep the College’s Emergency Management Plan up-to-date.
  • Oversee the implementation of the College’s CovidSafe plan and CovidSafe practices.
  • Oversee and maintain the College’s Accidents and Incidents Register for students and a separate register for staff. Follow-up on the health and wellbeing of injured students and staff.
  • Oversee and maintain the College’s Saftey Hazard Register.
  • Conduct safety and maintenance surveys and checks at the end of each semester.
  • Provide the College Principal full details of all incidents and accidents leading to injuries of staff and students.
  • Ensure implementation of the relevant College Duty of Care policies.
  • Participate in and co-chair termly meetings with all members of the Student Services Department.
  • Provide a written report once per month to the College Principal on the activities above, as applicable.
  • The Wellbeing, OHS & Emergency Management Procedures Coordinator is a member of the College’s Leadership Team and reports to the College Principal.